Stephen’s father, Ed Foreman, entered into the floorcovering business in 1956 working for Hobbs Linoleum and Tile. His first job was cleaning the store after hours. When he went to collect his first paycheck, he was disappointed to see that it was only for $1.75. He remembers his mom telling him, “go back there and show him you want to work!” Ed took that advice to heart. From then on Ed worked his way to making $2.50 an hour. He worked as a delivery boy until the opportunity for apprenticeship came along. He remembers he had to take a 50 cent pay cut to take this position, but it paved the way to him becoming an installer. This 2 year apprenticeship opened up opportunity for Ed’s future endeavors.
Ed continued to work for Hobbs Linoleum and Tile until 1970 when, with $25 dollars in his pocket, he decided to become his own boss and begin installing on his own "Hence" Foreman's Floor Covering was established. Ed remembers the union discouraging him from making this move, but he was determined to strike out on his own. During his years installing for Hobbs, Ed had developed many relationships in the town of Pueblo that would build a foundation for his own business to grow.
Word of mouth was the only advertising that Ed needed to establish himself in Pueblo as a man who performed quality flooring installation. As Ed’s installation business grew, he gained experience installing the flooring for Kmart and Furr’s Cafeteria locations in Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas, Oklahoma, and of course, Colorado.
Stephen began to learn the trade from his father (Ed) at a very young age. After graduating high school, Stephen furthered his education by earning a Bachelor degree from the University of Southern Colorado while continuing to perfect his skill along side his father in the flooring industry. Stephen had been looking for an opportunity to grow his career when Ed (His Father) became aware that an established family owned business "The Tile House" was for sale and presented the idea to Stephen to purchase the business.
Stephen and his wife Amy Foreman purchased the business in 2019 with a vision to continue bringing unique high quality flooring products to the community of Southern Colorado in combination with Foreman's Floor Covering craftsmanship.
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3330 N Fwy Rd, Pueblo, Colorado 81008
Special Hours Notice: We will be closed on Saturday, February 22nd.